

When I was diagnosed with PD, my neurologist talked to me for about an
hour about both the worst case and the usual progress of the disease.
(In his words, "You may be in a wheel chair in 5 years or you may be
doing just fine 15 years from now with medication.")  But he mostly
talked to me in an optimistic manner, giving me a lot of initial info.
about the various medications for PD.  He also talked to me a little bit
about my diet and the importance of regular moderate exercise.  He gave
me the Parkinson's Disease Handbook from APDA.  He suggested that I talk to
a financial advisor.

My neurologist has continued to explain things clearly as my journey
with PD continues.  He primarily talks to me about chemical treatment.
But he has encouraged me to continue with my T'ai Chi practice
and acupuncture.

One of the most helpful things was a friend who asked his cousin to
telephone me.  She is a younger person with PD, employed full time
outside the home, with a couple of children.  She also talked at length
with my wife.  She was about  5 years with PD at that point and the
encouragement that she gave me and my wife was very helpful.