

My wife Aliza has experienced similar BP drops which we traced to
her sinemet with 250mg levadopa and 25mg carbidopa pills.
Normally she took a half pill every 6 hours.
The drop magnitudes were about 40 to 50% of her BP before taking her half pill.
The length of time to maximum drop was about 50 minutes in the morning and
increased to two hours at night
When she took one quarter pill every three hours,the size of the drops
were reduced by about one half and the length of time decreased.
What I did was measure her BP before and after taking the med and then
taking BP
every ten minutes or so afterwards until the BP went up again.

She switched to sinemet cr.
For the first two weeks,the BP drops continued.
Then they stopped and she added selegiline 1x2.

I should mention that Aliza takes meds for high BP.
The improved BP drops were helped also by taking a slow acting BP drug.
Aliza switched from captopril which is fast-acting and contributed to the
to vascase which is slow-acting.
Also,we make sure that there is at least one hour between taking the vascase and
the sinemet.

Will be glad to exchange info  on this problem.

Gil Lieberman,CG for Aliza 74/3,sinemet cr 5x1/2, selegiline 1x2

You wrote:

Date:    Mon, 23 Feb 1998 02:11:51 EST
From:    Flavia Morgan <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: labile blood pressure

The range of blood pressure can be quite scary. My husband 81/9 has had it go
from 200 to under 100 in a short time.  First of all sinemet does affect the
bp also a meal will lower the bp. It takes an hour before it comes back,
however, when it goes to 75/40 that is not good and immediate action needs to
be taken .  What I do is get him on the floor or bed with his feet elevated
and give him some chicken boulion (sp?) or for a quicker return a small bit of
straight salt followed by water.  The low bps are dangerous because the blood
is not getting to the brain.  I can watch him eat a meal, be fine and before
my eyes watch the change in him as the bp goes down There are some medications
available, but do have some side affects.  Hope this helps.  I find that many
drs. are not aware of the wide swings in a short time that can occur.
[log in to unmask]   Los Angeles, CA