

Pharmacotherapy 1997 Sep;17(5):1027-1030

Levodopa dependence and abuse in Parkinson's disease.

Spigset O, von Scheele C

Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Norrland University Hospital, Umea,

Two patients with Parkinson's disease repeatedly increased their levodopa
dosage on their own to 1500-2000 mg/day to reach and sustain a state of
euphoria, regardless of the fact that dosages of 400-800 mg/day were
sufficient to
suppress their parkinsonian symptoms. Both were markedly unwilling to
consent to recommendations of dosage reductions, and they readily accepted
adverse effects such as hyperkinesias, anorexia, and hallucinations to
achieve the positive mental effects. Thus, both patients fulfilled the
diagnostic criteria for substance dependence.

PMID: 9324193, UI: 97464372

Judith Richards
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