

Ohhhhhh Denny, it was WORSE that a 'bad hair day!  <grin>  It was a "soaking
wet hair day!"  In fact, it was an "entire audience was soaking wet day.."

And hey, Denny... I didn't  do that entirely for the list-group (sorry to
burst yer bubble) <wee smirk>  I always find Dr. Iacono a terrific source for
the MOST current PD-related information.

By the way... as of yesterday, I have been invited to work for the Parkinson's
Unit at Encino Hospital as their PD Support Group Moderator.

I'm now gonna try to talk the hospital into providing a dedicated phone line
in my home strictly for a PD hot line for anyone with PD or  PWP
caregivers/families to use if they need some support or information.  And
eventually I'd like to see a 24 hour manned hot line made available...

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Dennis Nestler
Sent:   Wednesday, February 25, 1998 8:29 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Notes from Dr. Iacono Discussion

Dear Barb,
With 70 mph winds it sounds like a bad hair today to me  my my what you won't
do to help out your fellow list members.  Thank you for sharing your notes
with us,hope you can read the rest of them.
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