

I don't know how to set up a website, but as I told Don, the picture of him
with Vivian dancing was really great, it reminds me of Fred Astaire and Ginger
Rogers, and it was nice to finally SEE someone I talk to everyday. Now I don't
need to imagine what Don and Vivian look like, I still don't know what the
other 1400+ listmembers look like, so WEBSITES are the way to go!  This would
not affect the main list, which has been a complaint by some folks who aren't
able to view the attachments, or don't want to pay for online time to do it,
which I understand.  As time goes on, more and more people can use the WWW and
visit websites, so they are the future!  It actually only took a few minutes
for me to download Don's photo, so it was no problem.  It also went right on
the screen as soon as it started loading, which was great. I have downloaded
other images, which I am not able to figure out how to display at all!
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