


Thank you for the notes from Dr Iacono.

Have you wondered what the connection might be between bananas and
seratonin. Bananas are a source of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 has
been shown to increase the levels of seratonin and subsequently
dopamine. So it is not surprising that we might sleep better with
a nightcap of B6. Natural daylight also stimulates the production
of seratonin.

Vitamin B6 assists in reducing histamine levels. Now take another
read of the 'heretic' alias Janet Cornwell. Maybe the sequence is
something like this.
B6 -> lowers histamine -> neck muscles relax ->
           increased blood flow -> increased dopamine production.

Vitamin B6 can be found in fish, poultry, soybeans, brown rice and bananas.
Incidently a diet based on whole grain cereals and vegetables maintains
a stable blood sugar level so you should not desire something sweet.

Alan Pearce
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