

Hello Alan,

Thanks for your response to the banana B6 stream.

I am suprised that our resident nutritionist Kathrynne Holden has been
silent on the topic.
Anyway, I also wonder where you are?  Are you a member of the Parkinson's
Association of WA?
Since we have quite a few list members in Perth, Let's chat off list -
Joy Graham (CG Bob, 57, 8yrs)

>Have you wondered what the connection might be between bananas and
>seratonin. Bananas are a source of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 has
>been shown to increase the levels of seratonin and subsequently
>dopamine. So it is not surprising that we might sleep better with
>a nightcap of B6. Natural daylight also stimulates the production
>of seratonin.
>Vitamin B6 assists in reducing histamine levels. Now take another
>read of the 'heretic' alias Janet Cornwell. Maybe the sequence is
>something like this.
>B6 -> lowers histamine -> neck muscles relax ->
>           increased blood flow -> increased dopamine production.
>Vitamin B6 can be found in fish, poultry, soybeans, brown rice and bananas.
>Incidently a diet based on whole grain cereals and vegetables maintains
>a stable blood sugar level so you should not desire something sweet.
>Alan Pearce
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