

John Stuart wrote:

"Artane is still my best defense against tremors, despite occasional side

John -
   Thank you for your thoughtful letter describing where you have been and
where you are with treating your PD and particularly the tremor.  You have
helped me to have an open mind toward Artane.  I tried Cogentin very early on
(1989).  It turned me into a zombie and I quit after three weeks.
   Just this week I have  finally found a neurologist I am very happy with.  I
have been to five others and was not comfortable with any of them.  Dr.
Pierce, my present neuro, listens to me, discusses research with me and does
not push in any direction.  He is wonderful!--and the end  result is I am
trying Requip for now.  If that doesn't work I will consider trying Artane.
He explained that even though Artane and Cogentin are both acetylcholine
inhibitors, they are chemically quite different from each other.
   Anyway--thanks, John.  I appreciate your thoughtfulness and I appreciate
your help.
Joan Dykstra