

  The group, organization, or whatever it is, that trains dogs of this type in our area
Independence Dogs, Inc.
146 State Line Rd.
Chadds Ford, Pa. 19317
(610) 358-2723
  I first heard about them when she was training a dog at a mall near us. The mall would
not give her dog the status that a Guide Dog for the blind has. (Legal permission to go
everywhere the owner goes) Later, a schoolboy had one of her dogs and fought the school
district to be able to take his dog with him to school. Both of these instances made the
newspapers where I read about them. She has fought hard for the same status as Guide
Dogs and I believe they are accepted in most places. The dogs wear an orange harness,
vest, that says something like "Assistance Dog". I've seen someone with one of the dogs
several times at the mall and have noticed leaflets a couple of times at Humane
Society/SPCA/Breed Rescue Fairs.
  I have no monetary interest in this and really don't know a whole lot about them
except a general idea of what the dog's job is. I looked up the address and phone number
in the phone book.
  If someone off list requested information, would whoever posted please forward.
Marge Green
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