

John Tchida asked:

"joan, i'm curious about your chelation treatment. why? results?and effect on
other health issues not just pd. thxs"

John -
   I began chelation treatment in an attempt to slow down the progress of
Parkinson's.  There are no double blind clinical studies linking chelation to
Parkinson's (that I know of), but individuals have linked improvement in their
symptoms to chelation therapy--and I have met some of these individuals.  For
at least some of the PD patients there is a circulation component to their
PD--and that is one of the reasons some chelation therapists theorize that
chelation may be helping these PWP.  Another reason it may be helping is that
chelation (EDTA) removes aluminum from body tissues.
   You asked about other effects.  The only effect I feel sure of is that the
brown spots on my face (called "liver spots") went away.
Joan (57/9)