

At 03:00 PM 2/28/98 -0500, donald mckinley wrote:
>        every body think the know what might of caused pd. let me tell you
>my sad of woe. i have been 2times over come by carbon monoxide so many times
>by sewer gas i can,t count in 3 wars came from a very slit famly none want
>me, so it could be trauma or from them all. lot of of the stuff has been in
>the paper. so i have been lucky i guess. so takepick. got company  c U you
>all I.YQ. DON
  it was vivian nephew from w virgina. a lot of people can"t be live some of
the things that has happend to me . just one of those people it seem like
trouble hangs around. so i am al so what you might call naive. i trust all
love all. and to help those in need. as there is lot out there so worse off
than me. all you need is love and hope there will be a true way to tell us
cause of pd some day. but believe in your own believe as to the cause. there
is as many reason out there as there is fingers and toes.  hot water again
don c u you all again.  don&vivian diff. end still I.Y.Q