

Hi all,

I am sure we have told you before, but Australia has also adopted the tulip
as their logo.  We have a very pretty five colour tulip (red, yellow,
orange, blue and green)  which we use on everything.  When we can't afford
the four colours, we then use the same design, but in red and black for

We have very classy stick pins which the drug company Eli Lilly kindly made
for our use.  We sell them for $5.

This year for the first time in WA (and perhaps all of Aust) we are
planting a special commemmorative garden of tulips at a very beautiful park
called Araluen.  This planting will happen around the time of world
Parkinson's Awareness Day (April 11th ?) and we invite all list members to
come and help us plant them!

If you can't come, send us a picture of yourself with YOUR tulip design or
badge, so we can put your photos up in our office for all members to see.

Our address:
Parkinson's Association of WA
320 Rokeby Rd
WA 6008

PS> I would LOVE to have one of those "torch" badges. I will trade one of
our tulip pins with the first person to offer me a "torch"

Joy Graham