

Hello Vijay,
I don`t know if you got the information, IF NOT I`ll try to help you, =
maybe I can have information from Aarhus University Hospital, becuase my =
neuoro often have contact to Sweden. Or maybe John Quist from Sweden can =
help you??
Best wishes
Sonia Nielsen
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Vijay Srinivasan <[log in to unmask]>
Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN =
<[log in to unmask]>
Dato: 26. februar 1998 21:57
Emne: Request for information: pallidotomy center

>I was wondering whether anyone on this list could provide information =
on Dr.
>Marwan Hariz's pallidotomy center in Stockholm.  I'd like to know about =
>experiences, post-operative observations etc.  Also, any =
recommendations on
>having the procedure done at a US center such as Emory, Harvard etc vs.
>Sweden would be much appreciated.