

Dear Jim and other members,
I am glad Jim clarified that 'genuine' people use Juno! We use it and
also have my parents signed up as it is a free service. Since we dropped
a computer in their laps this past summer, we couldn't expect them, nor
could they, pay for Internet time. The other plus is Juno screens out a
lot of the junk mail we get on our Internet e-mail.
I have been 'lurking', as I see it's called, in the background since my
father's diagnosis with PD almost a month ago. They tell me he is doing
fine on the new medicine. I know he is mall walking and doing a lot since
my aunt (85) fell and broke her leg. The blessing in disguise there is it
took my parents attention away from the diagnosis and kept them busy.
They have found that life goes on.
I store bits of information now and then for future us. A favorite that I
passed on to a friend taking care of her husband with Lou Gerig's was
'Blessed Are'.
I do agree the PD list gets way off the topic a lot of times and caution
needs to be taken there, but I am also good with the scroll button when
something doesn't pertain to the topic.
I will now go back to my 'lurk' position!