

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  48/10         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   47  deg. F sunny
Dear LIstmembers,

     I am writing you, having talked with Helen Mason in Oregon and many
others, about OUR research funds in Washington, D.C..

     A large number of us still  fear that we Parkinson's people have
been "lost in the shuffle!"

    Americans on our Parkinson's List are at a CRITICAL point, right NOW,
in our four-year long battle to win $100,000,000.00 of "Udall Bill"
moneys for Parkinson's Disease research,  from the U.S. government.  Our
battle is so close to being completed.  We must, however, do one more
CRUCIAL thing--we must AGAIN telephone, e-mail, write, meet with and
educate all of our United States Senators and Representatives, and
especially, the Appropriations Committee, about our desperate need for an
Appropriations Committee vote to FULLY FUND the Udall research moneys.

    I am profoundly concerned that ALL of the American listmembers, and
our politically able friends elsewhere, are STILL not heard,  LOUDLY and
CLEARLY, about this $100,000,000,.00.

    In the 1980's, AIDS activists successfully developed the art of being
visible on the media, attracting celebrities to the cause, and getting
the "ears" of the politicians in Washington.

    In the 1990's, we Parkinson's activists are, unfortunately, far too
few in number.  Most of our Parkinson's DIsease community consists of
people NOT able to walk the halls of Congress and the streets of
Washington.  My own TV appearance in January was rare, as were Joan
Samuelson's and Jim Cordy's testimonies in Washington, D.C.  Even
Muhammad Ali's efforts have not firmly won our long-awaited

    Last fall,  $100,000,000.00  was approved by Congress for Parkinson's
research.  However, unless the Appropriations Committee of Senators and
Representatives votes BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30, 1998, and uses its power to
actually transfer the $100,000,000.00 into the hands of the National
Institute of Health, the money might not get used for Parkinson's at all

    As far as I understand, after talking yesterday to Paul Smedberg,
Director of the American Parkinson's Disease Association Office in
Washington, (tel 1-800- 684-2732), this Appropriations Committee action
is the FINAL STEP needed to be sure that the $100,000,000.00 is actually
spent on Parkinson's, and not lost to something else!

  Therefore, I urge everyone on this List, to PLEASE take time to
telephone, write or contact your elected U.S. Senators and
Representatives, and ask them to relay and support our message to the
Appropriations Committee.

  The Message is, simply:

<<   Please, members of the Appropriations Committee , vote to "FULLY

  Only once the Appropriations Committee VOTE has happened, are we TRULY
able to celebrate.

   Until then, our "Udall" job is not completed.  Jim Cordy's hourglass
truly represents our time to ACT NOW, before it's too late!!

   Ivan Suzman, 48/10  Portland, Maine.