


Will you please elaborate on the symptoms of the saliva gland infection you
experienced - both initially and as the infection developed further?

So many of us Parkies are troubled by excess saliva due to the PD that it
seems to me there'd be some tie-in between the Parkinson's and a salivary
gland infection.

By the way... I'd have to agree with you that I feel remarkably - surprisingly
- better when taking an antibiotic.   I find that most days there's a 2 to 5
hour window where my initial PD drugs and vitamins generally cause me to feel
at  least, "decent."  After I've been on an antibiotic for about 36/48 hours,
I feel much better OVERALL than merely "decent."

This doesn't mean that the PD symptoms disappear or even lessen... but the
REST of my body feels better.  There's much less of that all-encompassing
late-afternoon-early-evening-fatigue, as well.  My tongue, which normally is
white-coated (UGH!!!) ALWAYS becomes a normal pink-tongue-color when I'm on
antibiotics, and returns to being white-coated within a few days after I go
off whatever antibiotic has been prescribed (for whatever is the infection at
the time).  Both my primary care MD and my dentist say "that's weird and I've
never seen that... must be the Parkinson's."

I think that often the only connection to PD SOME symptoms have is that nearly
EVERY symptom a PWP gets is automatically lumped under the Parkinson's banner
by the medical profession.  It then becomes a struggle for the Parkie to
convince not only their doctor(s) but THEMSELVES that they may have something
other than Parkinson's needing medical attention.

This is not just limited to PD either... Virtually ANYONE living with a
chronic disease finds their MDs laying the blame for almost anything they seek
medical attention for on their primary illness.

It sure is a medical crap-shoot out there, isn't it?!?!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Bob & Joy Graham
Sent:   Friday, March 06, 1998 9:21 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Antibiotic=Non-Drowsy PWP?

George Campbell wrote:

>For the past five years I have noticed that the only time that I felt
>good was when I was on a antibiotic.  It turns out that I have had a
>ongoing infection of my saliva glands. On Feb 20th the infection went out
>of control.  To make a long story short, on March 13th I will have major
>surgery to remove two of the badly damaged glands. I had suspected this
>but could never get a Dr to believe me.  Any one who experiences this
>should get busy looking for secondary infections.
I find this most interesting.  Have the doctors suggested WHY your salivary
glands got infected?  Is it related to your PD (do you have a problem
swallowing? Do you have excessive saliva?) It does make me wonder if there
are lots of other PWP who have an underlying problem which is never quite
an infection...?
What are the thoughts on this one?  Perhaps a speech pathologist may have
some ideas?

Joy Graham