

Message from:
Dr. Cheryl Waters, M.D.
Chief, Division of Movement Disorders
USC Department of Neurology, Los Angeles

Dr. Cheryl Waters is calling for more participants to enroll in multiple
studies of treatments for Parkinson's Disease.  The University of Southern
California has such an active research program, there may be opportunities
for everyone at any stage of PD to participate.  But there is a special
need for people with Parkinson's who are newly-diagnosed and who haven't
started taking any Parkinson's medication.

 To enroll or to ask for more information, call  213/342-5728.

Several members of our support group have participated in Dr. Waters'
studies.  They've had positive experiences, and have been encouraging the
rest of us to sign up.

Mary Yost, 50/7, sinemet, mirapex, singing, T'ai Chi, udalling
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