

An editor for our quarterly PD newsletter sent me the following info on the
Medicaid Community Attendant Services Act.  Can anyone tell me its status or
prospects for passage?  Thanks.

Article in Dear Abby: First paragraph explains why nursing homes aren't
always wonderful.  2nd #  "There can be a better choice: A bill before
Congress offers senior citizens and persons with disabilities the option
to maintain their independence while remaining in their own homes--or the
option to choose a congregate facility if that is their preference.

 This bill is the Medicaid Community Attendant Services Act.  The bill
would amend Title XIX of the Social Security Act-Medicaid to create a new
option called 'Qualified Community-Based Attendant Services.'

"Anyone eligible for a nursing facility would be allowed to stay in their
home and receive attendant care.  The need for assistance will no longer
mean that people have to give up their surroundings or independence.

"This bill will benefit everyone who will ever have a disability or be
old--and that's everyone.  Call or write your representatives in Congress
and urge them to vote for this bill.  Gail B. Kear, executive director,
Life-Cil/Center for Independent Living, Bloomington, Ill.

Barbara Blake-Krebs  (57, dx 1984)       [log in to unmask]
Merriam, KS, USA                                                (ltr after F is cap "i")