

Let me first say thank you to all of you who have taken the time to call your
Representative in regards to getting he/she to sign in support of the
Upton/Waxman "Dear Colleague" letter, and then gone one step further by
posting your results.  It's good to know you're out there.  Your efforts are
very much appreciated.

As I said in my earlier post, Mike, Paul and I have split the list of 254
cosponsors three ways and are calling each office.  We plan to be through the
list (at least once) by close of business Wednesday (3/11).  This should leave
us with sufficient time to follow up on loose ends before Friday, the13th,
which is the deadline for adding names to the letter.

There seems to be a little confusion though (on the list anyways) as to who
should and should not be called.  My apologies if my earlier action plan
posting was not clear.

Please call your member of the House of Representatives if and only if he/she
was a cosponsor to HR 1260.  Every member of the House has gotten a copy of
the letter by now, but your efforts are best aimed at those who have been
supporters in the past.

Please do not call your Senators and ask that they sign the letter.  We (NPF,
PAN and APDA) are working together to try and get a similar "Dear Colleague"
letter circulated on the Senate side, but as of yet there is still no such
letter.  I will keep you all up to date on any developments here.

If you have ANY questions about who to call, what to say or just want to
practice your spiel on someone before calling your Representative, feel free
to call Mike, Paul or myself.  Our toll-free numbers are listed below:

Mike Claeys 1-800-850-4PAN (4726)
Paul Smedburg 1-800 684-APDA (2732)
Bill Turenne 1-888-331-4NPF (4673)

I have a call into Jane Williams in Congressman Upton's office to see how we
are doing on getting cosigners.  As soon as I hear back from her, I will post
it on the list for you.

Thank you again to all of you who have already responded.  Keep up the good
work.  For those of you who have yet to call, time is short, get on the horn!

Bill Turenne, Jr.

Btw:  If you are unable to get a rock solid commitment from your
Representative's Health LA, or are forced to leave a message, CALL BACK to
follow up.  This will greatly increase your chances of getting the job done.
Good luck and good hunting.