

>Date:    Mon, 9 Mar 1998 17:01:38 -0500
>From:    GERALYN SCHULZ <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Meripex
I wanted to respond to your  post regarding the effect of Mirapex and
pallidotomy on the voice.  I have noticed some improvement since taking
Mirapex, and following my palidotomy
surgery in Dec. '94 my voice was stronger as well.  I am particularly
aware of voice changes because I have been a singer, a teacher of
singing, and a choral music director.  Unfortunately, although my voice
is better, I still am not consistently strong enough vocally to sing in
public.  I have been trying lately to get into vocal trim, but it remains
frustrating when I objectively evaluate tape recordings of my vocal
workout.  The main difficulties seem to be an unwanted tremalo, related
to the PD tremor, and a tendancy to breathe rather shallow, unless I
concentrate soley on deep breathing.  Still, I should be grateful for the
"somewhat improved" voice as a result of Mirapex and palidotomy.

Bob Swanson 56/8yrs
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