

My name is Mary Jane Braden, 61/18, from Pennsylvania.  I am taking
Sinemet, Permax and Eldyprl.  I have progressed very slowly but am now
unable (or scared) to go shopping, etc. by myself.  I can still drive short
distances and work two days a week for three hrs. each.  I was very active
until about three yrs ago.  Just recently started on Permax and haven't
noticed much difference.  I don't eat cheese or chocolate(not sure why) any
more and haven't noticed any difference since I stopped.  I haven't had
caffeine or alcohol for years.  They do affect me. I do not have a tremor
but have a lot of trouble walking (first symptom).  I have the jerky
reaction from Sinemet (can take only 1/4 tablet at a time.)
I have learned a lot and have enjoyed the short time I have been on the