

Hi Ivan;
I finally received your tape on Thursday Mar 5.  The snails musta'
took a wrong turn somewhere!!  This tape is just a great beginning
for you.  I can see the potential to really expand this material in
the near future on a longer broadcast.  Bravo!  We will share your
tape at the support group level in April and then donate it to the
B.C. Parkinson's Assoc. lending library for others to share.
> Once you have had a chance to see the video, if you have the time, a few
> COMMENTS posted either privately to me,  or to our LIST would be very,
> very helpful.
> Thank you,
> Ivan Suzman 48/10
> Portland, Maine
Thank you Ivan for a great job well-done.........Murray

Incidentally we are doing our small part to increase Parkinson's
awareness here ............ Yesterday my wife and I danced in a FUNd
raiser for Parkinson's.  It was a 12 hour dance marathon organized by
Doug Hellier (pwp) and there were pledge sheets with donations /
hour, local businesses donated food, water, prizes, discounted
dee-jay etc. and when all is said and done I think approx. $5000 was
raised.  Today I'm answering e-mail and soaking my feet..........

Best regards..................Murray
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