

Hi gang;

This morning after rereading all the recent posts on
carbidopa/levadopa and the different meds we employ and different
response times we experience I remembered a recent Group Support
discussion on the same theme.  In reference to early morning meds (on
rising) some use liquid sinemet, others a non-CR tablet to give them
a quick response (as opposed to taking a Sinemet CR tablet and
waiting 1 to 1 and 1/2 hours for meds to be at optimum).  One person
suggested a quick response could also be obtained by simply chewing
1/2 a Sinemet CR tablet followed by a glass of orange juice.  I have
tried this and it seems to work very well for me and then I only need
to have one Sinemet prescription.  (Just the 50/200 Sinemet CR)
What do you think?????

Best regards............Murray
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