

Hi to all my shaky friends posting on Tremor;

Joan, you have my sympathy and best wishes for getting your tremor
under control.

Helen, tremor (after my father's death in Feb. '83)  and falling 2
years later were also among my first signs of PD.  At the time it was
thought that I had early stages of MS (diagnosis with PD was in '94,
years later)  My tremor comes and goes in intensity but even when it
is not visible to others it is very real to me as a sort of internal

Nancy, I too often have blurrred vision especially at night. My wife
says it is prolly (a word I learned on this list) from browsing too
much on the web (and of course on all your postings to this beloved

Delda, I'm absolutely convinced that being busy is the only
thing that controls my tremor for the most part.  I just don't seem
to experience a tremor at work for example; only when I stop for a
break.....  Drugs don't seem to help.

Eldon, I believe we went through all the web sites connected to
Medtronics Corp. and their Activa Tremor Control System in Jan. but
here it is again if anyone wants to browse this info on Implants for
Deep Brain Stimulation.
The manufacturers site:

or go to:

or go to:

and keep clicking on the NEXT to page through all their propaganda.
The device bears some similarity to a pacemaker and is for thalamic

Dr. Lozano in Toronto is doing this work now as documented on CBC's
HealthShow last week. The transcript is on the web at:

This excerpt was originally aired on pallidotomy only on Nov. 23 / 95
but the update on Tues. Mar. 10 / 98 included Dr. Lozano and a
patient I believe a Margaret Mueller and Deep Brain Stimulation.

You can also look at:

I have no first hand knowledge, just what I've seen in the papers, on
TV  & on the web.

Happy browsing..........Murray 53/4
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