


Thanks for painting a picture of some of our wonderful Western
Australian List members who do so much for the Parkinson's
cause in your neck of the woods.

It's not only appropriate for all of us to know WHAT'S being done
vis a vis PD in other parts of the world but also  WHO is carrying
the PD banner in other lands.

This is a good reminder to me and my fellow American List
members, as we post about the assorted US-based PD events,
that we're not the only folks in this big wide world who are
making an effort to disseminate the most current PD-related
information, and to help find the cure.

I salute you ALL for your efforts because every one of us, no
matter where we live, benefit from your work.

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Dennis Greene
Sent:   Monday, March 16, 1998 1:58 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Bob and Joy Graham/ WA Listmembers

Bob and Joy have said some very nice things about my wife Jo and me
on a couple of occasions now.  Anyone not in the know would think we
were single handedly saving the world (or at least our little part of
it).  Whilst I am trully appreciative of Joy's praise the truth is
that we are no more deserving of it than many others (and in several
cases very much less so).   Western Australia is lucky in having a
great many (not enough-there are never enough) super-active people in
our PD community.  Some of them are well known to this list.  They
include Bob and Joy  themselves who are tireless workers in the
cause.  They co-chaired the committee which organised last years
National Conference and are currently extremly busy turning last
year's wish list into this year's and next year's reality.  Their
ability to keep several balls in the air at one time leaves me awed.
Another WA couple well known to the list are Robyn and John Lochore.
They too seem to have juggling skills that belie the claim that PWP
have physical difficulties.  John has just been elected president of
the association.  Brian and Pauline England are both long standing
committee members, and both are very active in organising the
association's seminars.  It is a privledge and a pleasure working
alongside such people, not to mention the many others who have never
ventured into cyberspace and so are not known in list terms.  What we
have here is a champion team.  I think that makes us really lucky!


Dennis Greene 48/11
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Dennis Greene 48/11
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