

Primates Grow Nerve Cells In Brain

NEW YORK (Reuters) -- The brains of adult monkeys do generate new nerve =
cells, a process once thought to be impossible. And that process can be =
inhibited by psychological stress, according to a report in the =
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.=20

Dr. Elizabeth Gould, of Princeton University in New Jersey, and =
colleagues injected six adult male marmoset monkeys with BrdU, a =
chemical taken up by cells that are dividing. The brain tissue was =
examined either 2 hours or 3 weeks after the procedure.=20

They found that many of the cells in the hippocampus -- a region of the =
brain important in learning and memory -- were marked by BrdU.=20

"Our results suggest that there is much more plasticity in the adult =
primate brain, and potentially in the adult human brain, than was =
previously believed," Gould told Reuters. "Because the hippocampal =
formation is involved in learning and memory, it's very likely that =
these new neurons participate in learning and memory. That has =
tremendous implications for understanding age-related cognitive decline =
and diseases that are associated with learning and memory impairments."=20

For example, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease result from a =
degeneration of nerve cells in the brain. If researchers can find a way =
to stimulate nerve cell growth, it may help combat the effects of such =
neurodegenerative disorders.=20

Immediately prior to injection with BrdU, some of the monkeys were =
individually placed into the cage of an unfamiliar adult male monkey and =
left there for 1 hour. The research team found that the brains of these =
monkeys showed significantly fewer BrdU-marked cells than brains of =
monkeys who were not exposed to the stressful situation.=20

It's not clear why this occurs, according to the report. But the finding =
may explain why people with recurrent depressive illness and =
post-traumatic stress disorder show a reduction in hippocampus volume on =
magnetic resonance imaging scans, the authors wrote. SOURCE: Proceedings =
of the National Academy of Sciences (1998;95:3168-3171)=20