

Bill - Where are we on  this?  Is there a  more recent list?  Anything we
can do to add to the list?


At 4:42 PM 3/12/98, BTurenneJr wrote:
>Here is the latest update on supporting signatures for the Upton letter.
>I just got off of the phone with Jane Williams in Upton's office.  She says
>that the calls are really starting to pour in today, so much, in fact that she
>may hold the letter an additional day to gather more support.  That would make
>the deadline Monday (3/16).
>Also, Jane has told me that Congressman Upton's office is temporarily without
>an intern, (there seems to be a shortage of good ones in town these days) LOL.
>Anyways the point is that Jane has asked me to dust off my old intern shoes
>and walk the official letter around to the 60+ cosigners' offices tomorrow and
>Monday if need be.  I told her that I would be proud to do it.
>Thanks again to all of you out there that took the time to participate in this
>important effort.  The number of signatures we end up receiving on this should
>be more than sufficient to send the appropriate (no pun intended) message to
>Chairman Porter and Ranking Member Obey about the support Udall still enjoys.
>I will be posting updates follolwing my escapades on the Hill tomorrow and on
>Monday as well.  I will also be in touch about a similar Senate campaign in
>the near future.
>S. Brown
>J. Lewis
>G. Miller