

I wouldn't mind hanging out with "The Donald," but Hugh Hefner's estranged
wife?????  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY!!  Why even with all his moolah, he's STILL just
a dirty ol man in MY book.  YUCK!  Hugh Hefner.... <Barb makes a prune-face)

See my List post about "Extra" being rescheduled, 'kay?



From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Jane Koenig
Sent:   Thursday, March 19, 1998 5:04 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: 2 Parkies & Dr. Iacono on TV


I watched Extra all the way through here in Atlanta at 7pm on Fox.  No
Barb, no Dr. Iacono.  Boo Hiss!

I did get to see lots of dirt about Leonardo diCaprio and Hugh Hefner.  Are
you sure you're not Hugh's estranged wife who's been seen hanging out with
The Donald?

It would sure be a shame if they cut your piece for the mostly trash they
ran tonight.  If you find out when you WILL be on, please let us know.  I'm
not sure if I can sit through too many of these shows waiting for the good

Jane K.
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At 12:25 AM 3/20/98 UT, you wrote:
>OHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOO!     Maybe I'm on the cutting room floor? <pained look on
>gorgeous face> (grin)
>Barb Mallut
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