

At 10:22  20/03/98 -0500, Ron Reiner wrote:
> Apparently, some reputable hospital in Brooklyn is experimenting with
electromagnets to treat severe depression.
March 20, 1998

ATLANTA (CNN) -- An experimental treatment for severe depression, in which
powerful magnets are applied to patients' heads, is showing signs of
success, a medical journal reports.

Emory University researchers report in the journal Psychiatric Annals that
more than half of the patients treated improved with no serious side effects.

Depression affects 37 million Americans. It is estimated one in four women
and one in 10 men suffer from depression.

In the experimental treatment, doctors use a powerful electromagnet to
stimulate a specific area of the brain. It seems to work best in the left
front portion of the brain, believed to be underactive in people with
depression. The treatment lasts only about five minutes.

"The electromagnet induces electric current in the brain and we know that
that causes brain cells to fire, to become active, to do things, to kick out
brain chemicals which are called neurotransmitters," said Dr. Charles Epstein of
Emory University.

While the magnetic therapy is being studied it is only available for people
with severe depression, said Dr. William McDonald of Emory University.

"The people that we've treated have far and away been very ill people. These
are people who have otherwise gotten ECT (electroconvulsive therapy)," he
said. ECT is a controversial treatment, usually tried as a last resort, in
which electric pulses cause a seizure,.

One patient, Ruth Wright tried ECT but suffered memory loss. She also tried
anti-depressants, but they didn't work, so she turned to magnetic therapy.
She's had it for a year and said she's much improved, even happy.
"Situations which would have thrown me a year ago, I can handle now with
some degree of reasonable behavior," said Wright.

The treatment is experimental and the long-term effects are unknown;
researchers say seizures are a possibility. As with other treatments, it is
not unusual for patients to relapse once treatment ends. The researchers
aren't sure yet if it will help people with mild depression.

Medical Correspondent Rhonda Rowland contributed to this report.

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