

Yes in fact YES - I`m told by a neuro in Denmark - but I havn`t tried, =
because I smoke and still enjoy to lighten a cigaret.
Last year I was invited to a konference in Denmark with members from the =
Nordic countries.
 I had the pleasure to meet our President from Nordic Parkinson Ass. Mr. =
Ingemar Bruto. The only "medication" this gentleman became - was smoking =
most of the day, I didn`t counted but it was really much.
Ingemar and I are both convinsed that it helps US to smoke. When  I`m =
feeling much "off" I`m feeling better when I smoke.=20
I know the risc about cancer from smoking, but as long I`m feeling well =
I`ll continue smoking.
Sonia N

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: TTTORA <[log in to unmask]>
Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN =
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Dato: 15. marts 1998 18:13
Emne: Re: Parkinsons and smoking

>In plain language,  would it be beneficial  to wear a nicotine  patch?
>regards  Tina T.