

I may be foolish, but I have felt fortunate that I have the kind of PD with little
tremor, but I do have a terrible reading problem--or rather a vision problem.  I
have been to an opthamologist who specializes in neurological problems and he has
prescribed prism glassses for distance (and now I can drive again) and a different
prism for reading.  These help much less as the problem is more blurred vision and
the inability to hold a focus than the double vision  I have for distance.  Maybe
it is just weariness--it certainly is worse in the evening.

Do any of the rest of you very helpful people have this problem?

Nancy Shlaes (60/4)

JoanD1234 wrote:

>   Thank you for the responses to my plea for help with "tremor."  My
> neurologist recently told me, "You are lucky to have tremor dominant PD and
> you are unlucky to have tremor dominant PD:  lucky because it is slower
> progressing and unlucky because it is more difficult to treat."  I have been
> getting that feeling from reading responses on this list.  It is rare that I
> have read about anyone getting help with or control of their tremor.
>    I am embarassed by my present discouragement as I have always been proud of
> my positive attitude.  But--the tremor has broken me.   I can't even read a
> book anymore because I can't shake my eyes fast enough to keep up with the
> shaking book.
>    Greg asked if I had tried anticholinergics.  Yes, I tried Cogentin.  I
> became a zombie.  I couldn't read then because I couldn't think.
>    Thanks to all who sent email.
> Sincerely,
> Joan