

Hey y'all.... there's a new PD support group starting in the Los
Angeles area on March 21, sponsored and hosted by Encino
Hospital, with the ever gracious and lovely MOI  <grin> accepting
the hospital's invitation to be the group's coordinator-facilitator-

IF ya live in the L.A. area, and more specifically in the San
Fernando Valley, OR are a List member who's passing thru
L.A. on the 3rd Saturday of the month, we'd love to have ya
join us.

WHAT:     "CanDO!  Parkinson's Support Group"
WHEN:     March 21 (and every 3rd Saturday of each month)
WHERE:   Encino Hospital
                16237 Ventura Blvd.
                Encino, CA
                (818) 995-5000
                Meeting in 1st floor classroom
TIME:       1 to 3 p.m.

Group Coordinator:  Barbara Mallut
Consulting Movement Disorder Specialist:  Dr. Robert Iacono

March 21st will be our "inaugural meeting..."  the very first one
for this new group.  Each meeting will start out with a brief
"Hug-a-Buddy."   Members will be invited to tell a joke 'cause
laughter IS the best medicine!"  Anyone who's done  volunteer
work for ANY organization during the previous month will be
asked to tell us about their experience (and our members will be
encouraged to give of themselves in some way).   There IS a big
world out there!   Just because we have PD does NOT mean we
cannot contribute some of our time or raise funds for the greater

This month we're going to be sharing our "PD Diagnosis" stories
and getting to know each other.  After the meeting we'll adjourn to
Jerry's Deli in Encino for noshing 'n shmoosing.

Y'ALL COME! <smile>

Any questions, call Barb Mallut at: (818) 705-3037