

 just to let you know again about my web page. it is   i am hoping to get as many family pic i can as i
want to fix up all wall of U all. and some time after Sunday i hope to putt
some of the stuff i made. as some one asked. and of my family(personal) i
know we are not to put personal mail on list but a marl inland sent me her
icq # but do not have her email address.  have not got icq down pat yet but
as soon as i do i will answer. a fellow is going to show how to keep
records where lot of you live. so i can vised. old Mr pd has not been here
for some time. am working on getting  4/11/98 as pd day here in lima.oh
have had some luck with our local pwd to put in the paper that had pd. not
heart attracts  C U  all

                                             [log in to unmask]
                                             73/26 lima ohio

                                              I.Y.Q.  DON & VIVIAN
                                              LOVE OF MY LIFE-53

                                            BEST MED FOR PD IS
                                             CARING  LOVE HOPE