

Dear List-family...

After the last TV program staff's "no show" when I'd been invited to
take part in a discussion 'bout PD, I must admit to being more than a
little gun-shy when I received another invitation this afternoon to take
part in an interview for the TV program "EXTRA," early tomorrow
morning (practically the middle of the nite to ME!).

I'll be filmed at Encino Hospital along with neurosurgeon and
movement disorder specialist Dr. Robert Iacono, and fellow member
of the Hole-in-the-Head-Bunch, Parkie Tony Schoonenberg, where
we'll discuss pallidotomy, and Parkinson's in general.  You can be
sure I'll make every effort to comment about funding the Udall Bill....
AND our List,

The program is scheduled to be aired tomorrow nite - Thursday,
March 26.  I've been told the only way I WON'T be on tomorrow's
program will be if they EXTRA staff decides to film me for a separate
segment on Parkinson's support groups, which would be aired on
another evening.

Sooooo... I'm either GOING to be or NOT going to be on the TV
program EXTRA tomorrow nite, which is on TV at 7 p.m. in Los
Angeles, and goodness only knows what time in any other city.

Errrrrr.... I never learned how to program my VCR so will not be
making a video of my 15 minutes of fame for ya all! <giggle> (Heck...
I can't even set the CLOCK on that darn VCR!) <'nother giggle>

Barb Mallut
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