

Here is a "funny" one for you.  I have an agreement with my son that
before 1pm he lets me speak as I wish.  After 1pm and especially
after 4pm he can finish my sentences or thoughts if he thinks he
knows what I am trying to say [and he often does].  After 4pm each
day, depending upon stress-meds-and whatever, I become unable to
speak well.  On worse days is nearly impossible to get a complete
thought out in one sentence.
My 8 year old grandson often has a stutter which is directly related
to his stress levels.  He is shy and has trouble speaking in front of
people.  We were in the car going somewhere a few days ago.  I has
having a non-speaking moment.  My stutter was so pronounced and my
son was trying so hard to help me, and just then my grandson sat up
and almost shouted at me, "Grandma, you stutter just like me!".  We
all laughed, and it seems funny but he is more at ease talking when I
am with him now, even with a little stutter still showing.
don't forget how to laugh (and do it often)
Marling McReynolds
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