

Hi Emily,

I am also taking Eldepryl and Mirapex.  My neuro at the Parkinson's Institute
in California has prescribed only 5 mg of Eldepryl, which she says is
sufficient to produce a neuroprotective effect.  I have been taking Eldepryl
(plus Vitamins C and D) for over two years with hardly any progression of my
symptoms.  In November I added Mirapex which improved my balance.  (I can now
do all the steps in my aerobics dance class, even the ones I used to fudge on
before I started Mirapex.)

 Part of a doctor's job is listening. If Jim is happy with the dosage he's
taking and doing well with it, the doctor should be happy to have him
continue.  As they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Maybe Jim should
consider seeing one of the other neuros in the group.

BTW, I think it's totally appropriate for mouthy wives to spout medical stuff.
You go for it, Girl!

Mary Sheehan