


Hi --

I can't come to the computer right now, but I'll be back by 3/30 and will
respond to you then.



On 03/22/98 4:01 PM, Automatic digest processor expostulated:

>There are 17 messages totalling 951 lines in this issue.
>Topics in this special issue:
>  1. FW:  Humor
>  2. How to Join the CARE list
>  3. Sleeping on the job (2)
>  4. List instructions again!
>  5. Do PWPs Have Nerve & Muscle Damage? (3)
>  6. Parkinson's Information Exchange
>  7. Knee Pads
>  8. Balance and Exercise
>  9. This List
> 10. EXTRA ? (2)
> 11. It actually happened.
> 12. re-post: clinical depression [cd] part 1
> 13. re-post: clinical depression [cd] part 2
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 19:33:38 UT
>From:    Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: FW:  Humor
>The following were winners in a magazine contest in which contestants
>were to take a well-known expression in a foreign language, change a
>single letter, and provide a definition for the new expression.
>HARLEZ-VOUS FRANCAIS? - Can you drive a French motorcycle?
>EX POST FUCTO - Lost in the mail
>IDIOS AMIGOS - We're wild and crazy guys!
>VENI, VIPI, VICI - I came, I'm a very important person, I conquered.
>COGITO EGGO SUM - I think; therefore I am a waffle.
>RIGOR MORRIS - The cat is dead.
>RESPONDEZ S'IL VOUS PLAID - Honk if you're Scottish
>QUE SERA SERF - Life is feudal.
>LE ROI EST MORT. JIVE LE ROI - The king is dead. No kidding.
>POSH MORTEM - Death styles of the rich and famous.
>PRO BOZO PUBLICO - Support your local clown.
>MONAGE A TROIS - I am three years old.
>FELIX NAVIDAD - Our cat has a boat.
>HASTE CUISINE -Fast French food
>VENI, VIDI, VICE - I came, I saw, I partied.
>QUIP PRO QUO - A fast retort
>ALOHA OY - Love; greetings; farewell; from such a pain you should  never
>MAZEL TON - tons of luck
>APRES MOE LE DELUGE - Larry and Curly got wet.
>PORTE-KOCHERE - Sacramental wine
>ICH LIEBE RICH - I'm really crazy about having dough.
>FUI GENERIS - What's mine is mine.
>VISA LA FRANCE - Don't leave your chateau without it.
>CA VA SANS DIRT - And that's not gossip.
>MERCI RIEN - Thanks for nothin'.
>AMICUS PURIAE - Platonic friend
>L'ETAT, C'EST MOO - I'm bossy around here.
>COGITO, ERGO SPUD - I think, therefore I Yam.
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 14:29:13 -0500
>From:    "Camilla H.Flintermann" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: How to Join the CARE list
>ATTENTION new members of "Parkinsn" list -- this may interest you and
>your CGs!
>>>>CARE (Caregivers Are Really Essential )is a sublist of the main PD list=
>>>>which is especially for caregivers (CGs) of Parkinsonians (PWPs).  The =
>>>>for such a list was evident from feelings expressed on the PD list that
>>>>are times when CGs need to be able to "let off steam" in a place where =
>>>>will not upset their PWPs.  Some of us have caregiver support groups, w=
>>>>we can safely express feelings, get practical support, and share
>>>>but some do not.  The CARE list serves this need, but DOES NOT shut off=
>>>>participation of CGs on the main list.  We operate through a listserv a=
>>>>Miami University, Oxford,Ohio.  This is a closed list, meaning that CGs=
>>>>wish to join should send a request as follows:
>>>>Address your COMMAND to: [log in to unmask]
>>>>IN BODY of message (NOT on"SUBJECT" or "TO" lines) put ONLY:
>>>>           SUBscribe CARE        your first and last names
>>>>Do NOT use a signature.
>>>>Instructions will then be sent to you as to how to proceed, when you
>>>>have been
>>>>added to the list.  List "co-owners" are Jeff Jones and myself. The
>>>>traffic on
>>>>CARE is a lot less than on the main list, if this is a consideration.
>>>>Welcome aboard!  Questions? email me or Jeff:
>>>>                 Camilla Flintermann  <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>                 Jeff Jones <[log in to unmask]> NEW ADDRESS!
>>>>Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 79/8, Oxford,Ohio
>>>>[log in to unmask]
>>>>    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
>>>>      "Ask me about the CARE list for PD caregivers!"
>>>>    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 13:31:05 -0600
>From:    Arthur Hirsch <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Sleeping on the job
>There is an article in today's Parade Magazine, which is distributed with
>many newspapers in the United States, entitled, "Sometimes, It's Good To
>Sleep on the Job."  I couldn't find the article on the web, but some of us
>may choose to cut it out to help prove that the nap that we (want to) take
>for afternoon drowsiness in fact is (would be) a productive thing.
>Arthur Hirsch [] [log in to unmask] [] Lewisville, TX
>  ____________________________________________
>               Always Remember This:
>     Happiness Is Right, So Choose Happiness
>  ____________________________________________
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 14:31:56 -0500
>From:    "Camilla H.Flintermann" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: List instructions again!
>Some members have apparently lost their instructions --It is very
>>TIME-CONSUMING to have to repeat this info over and over--PLEASE KEEP
>>Here are the basic instructions. For more info re: the PD list you might
>>write to Barb Patterson, the listowner,at: <[log in to unmask]>
>>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>Subject:      Instructions for Parkinsn list(PLEASE SAVE)
>>To join the list, send  to the LISTSERV ADDRESS (in body of message) this
>>command:     subscribe parkinsn  (your full name)
>>The listserv address for this list is:
>>                       [log in to unmask]
>>The way to leave this list is to send the command to the listserv, and
>>in the  body of post (not on subject line) put:
>>                        .
>>                        signoff parkinsn
>>If you need to be away, and want to halt mail TEMPORARILY, send this
>>command to listserv address:  set parkinsn nomail
>>When you return, send this one:  set parkinsn mail
>>If you want to be on the digest, send: set parkinsn digest
>>BE SURE to send these commands TO THE LISTSERV, not to the list (or to
>>Barbara Patterson or me, please if you can help it!)   :-)
>>Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 79/8+, Oxford,Ohio
>>[log in to unmask]
>>*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
>>"Ask me about the CARE list for PD caregivers!"
>>*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 20:28:30 UT
>From:    Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Do PWPs Have Nerve & Muscle Damage?
>Dear List-family...
>As of yesterday, I've been turned down yet another time in my efforts to b=
>declared eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
>THIS decline was based (THIS time) upon the fact that I have no muscle or
>nerve damage from the PD.  In fact, as far as I know, in my 22 years of
>with PD, I've NEVER had any muscle or nerve damage, but I HAVE had a whole
>heckuva lotta OTHER uncomfortable and disabling symptoms.
>SSDI declares that "Yes," you have discomfort, but THAT isn't enough for y=
>to be declared disabled.  You are able to work at your former job of forum
>Uhhhhh.... the "discomfort" I can live with.  It's some of the disabling
>symptoms, such as memory loss, loss of use of my primary hand/foot,
>on my left side, and other non-visible but equally disabling symptoms that
>cause me to be disabled.
>Am I mistaken in thinking that few, if any, Parkies suffer from actual
>PD-caused muscle or nerve DAMAGE?  (not including muscle atrophy from lack=
>ability to use those muscles).
>Your collective and respective opinions would be appreciated.
>And THANKS....
>Barb Mallut
>[log in to unmask]
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 17:17:56 -0400
>From:    Sheldon/Linda McNeil <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Parkinson's Information Exchange
>Dear Members ,
>We are writing to you out of desperation to see if you might be able to
>help us or at the least give us some hints on where to go next.
>My brother-in- law has been having noticable problems for over a year
>and we are no closer to knowing what the problem is now than we were
>when it started .His condition continues to get worse and we seem to be
>at a dead end .Here is our story.
>Wayne loves music and loves to dance .He noticed a problem with rhythm
>when dancing.His left side did not seem to want to move the way he
>wanted it to .This did not happen all the time .
>He was being treated for a cardiac problem and was put on medication for
>fibrilation at that time by his internist .(lanoxin and biquin dureles
>and was later put on warfarin)
>The internist also refered him to Halifax to see a cardiologist who he
>saw in Dec 1996. On the basis of his MRI the cardiologist did not feel
>he needed a cardiac catheterization .He was told he had pericarditis and
>could continue on as before.He was very active.He played
>hockey,bowled,danced,and worked fulltime at an office job.
>He was taken off the warfarin before going to Halifax in anticipation of
>the cadiac catheterization and resumed taking it when he came back home.
>FEB 1997
>Wayne noticed a slight stutter and this progressed quickly.It bacame
>more frequent.Wayne consulted with his family doctor at that time who
>felt it was from stress due to his heart problems.He did finally send
>him back to the internist and by then Wayne was also having problems
>with his balance at times.
>Family and friends had long before noticed a change in his personality
>and manner.He had been a very out going ambitious person who was always
>the life of the party and the leader in everthing he undertook .He
>became an observer ,spoke little and as time progressed took on less and
>less unless his wife would go with him.
>Wayne was offered a early retirement package due to the downsizing of
>the coal industry and he took it .This was not for medical reasons.
>Wayne was referred to a speach therapist and an throat specialist for
>his speech problem.They could find no physical reason for his speech
>difficulty.The speech therapist gave him some methods to help him
>correct the stuttering.
>Wayne was referred to Halifax and saw a Cardiologist ,a Rhumatologist ,
>a Respirologist nad a Neurologist.
>The neurologist felt that there was a neurological degenerative disorder
>at this time and felt an MRI would give a better picture and more
>FEB 1997
>MRI was done in Halifax and the results were good.Nothing found.The
>neurologist told them when questioned that it is not MS ,stroke
>,anneurysm,tumor or any major problem of that sort.It was some
>neurological degenerative problem.
>Wayne saw an ENT specialist in Halifax who said he could see any
>He again saw the Respirologist who said there was some scar tissue in
>the lung but he didn't see this as a problem with Wayne's breathing.He
>ordered a CATscan and Wayne is still waiting to have that done.
>Wayne's condition continues to worsen .His walking gait is off,he tends
>to round his shoulders and walk in small steps ,he is short of breath
>and tires easily, the stuttering continues and his speaks very fast and
>soft,has tremors at times though not often and not really very obvious
>,his writing has become very small and hard to read and becomes more and
>more dependent emotioally.
>After the tests his family doctor told him they really didn't know what
>the problem was and that he is too old for MS and too young for
>Parkinson's.He had no suggestions as to what to do next .He felt the
>neurologist might know more if he saw him in 6 months.We are afraid with
>his conditioning worsening that the waiting may be causing damage that
>could be prevented.Even if there is nothing else that could be done we
>feel that if we at least knew what we were dealing with it could help
>At present his meds are Vasotec 5mg
>                        Warfarin sodium 2mg
>                        Sotolol 80 mg (replacing lanoxin and rythmol      =

>             starting this month.)
>                        Vit E
>Wayne also has a sister age 55 or so who is now in a home because of
>some form of dementia.Also information from some grand aunts lead us to
>believe there may have been some neurological problems such as being off
>balance in other generations.We do not know if there is any connection
>but add it just in case .
>If ther is any suggestions you could make they would be greatly
>Linda McNeil
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 16:16:40 -0500
>From:    Ervin McCarthy <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Knee Pads
>Clinton is asking for our prayers. He wants us all on our knees with
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 14:35:26 -0700
>From:    Shari & Larry Ward <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Do PWPs Have Nerve & Muscle Damage?
>Hello Barb,
>Although I'm not familiar with your US. laws...I really don't know how
>anyone could say that any PWP for 22 years, isn't disabled.  I have a
>friend who is an amputee and she had to fight with the Canadian
>government to be declared disabled.  She eventually won.  Go figure
>these law makers!!
>Best always,
>P.S.  If you find out what date your EXTRA segment will run, please post
>it in Big Bold Font.  It's something I really don't want to miss!
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 16:51:30 -0500
>From:    Wanda & Gail <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Balance and Exercise
>Found two interesting articles:
>A good article on balance.
>And one on walking for exercise:
>If you're having problems with your balance, talk to your
>doctor before beginning any type of exercise program.
>Gail Vass
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 16:11:48 -0500
>From:    Bruce Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Do PWPs Have Nerve & Muscle Damage?
>Barbara, if you haven' already, you have to get a SSDI law firm or advocac=
>firm working for you.  If you have PD and can't get SSDI, you haven't
>written the right words.  That's what I hear.
>There's a firm in Chicago that operates nationally 2 friends of mind used.
>It took a long time but they got it all paid in arrears, and the firm only
>gets paid on contingency.  Let me know if you want the phone #.
>Bruce A.
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 16:19:56 -0500
>From:    Bruce Anderson <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Sleeping on the job
>I feel asleep on the job a week or so ago, and woke up to find about 6 pag=
>of the letter "s" on my monitor.
>I chuckled at first but then I thought, I just hope that never happens out
>on the highway!!
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 17:20:09 -0500
>From:    John Lees <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: This List
>Hello Murray
>        Depression is the traveling companion to most long term disease,
>PD, MS, etc. As bad as depression gets and I know how bad it gets,  it is =
>sure sign of sanity.
>        How many people have you met in your life that had an ongoing
>illness such as PD and MS?  Have any of them ever told you they were HAPPY
>ABOUT IT. Depressed is how a health mind and spirit feel when you have an
>on going illness.
>        If the depression is caused for some unknown  reason, or goes on
>for ever when you have PD, MS  etc,  then you must give it the special
>attention it needs
>        In closing I just want to thank those of you that started this Lis=
>and tell all of you how much I enjoy the messages you post on it. To me th=
>list is a window that looks onto a beautiful field where flowers, children
>sunshine and many other of GOD'S gifts can be found.
>Just one who has been there,
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 18:08:47 EST
>From:    BRowley368 <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: EXTRA ?
>I've checked & my local book & can't seem to locate to show in
>Augusta, Ga.  Has anybody got a clue for our area.
>daughter of Jim 76/2
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 15:43:39 -0800
>From:    P Jones <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: It actually happened.
>The following letter-to-the-editor appeared in our local paper.
>"Dear sir.
>Washington, D.C. Senators, William B. Spong of Virginia and Hiram Fong of
>Hawaii, recently sponsored a bill recommending the mass ringing of church
>bells to welcome the arrival in Hong Kong of the U.S. table-tennis team,
>after its triumphant tour of Communist China.
>The bill failed to pass, cheating the U.S.Senate out of passing the
>Spong-Fong Hong Kong Ping Pong Ding Dong Bell Bill."
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 17:52:25 -0600
>From:    Arthur Hirsch <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: EXTRA ?
>At 06:08 PM 3/22/98 EST, you wrote:
>>I've checked & my local book & can't seem to locate to show in
>>Augusta, Ga.  Has anybody got a clue for our area.
>>daughter of Jim 76/2
>Try WAGT (channel 26) at 9:00 AM
> or WOLO (channel 25) at noon
> or WTGS (channel 28) at 12:30 AM (after midnight)
> or WWMB (channel 21) at 12:30 AM
> or WCIV (channel 4) at 12:35 AM
>Monday's program will be at 3:00 AM Tuesday
>Arthur Hirsch [] [log in to unmask] [] Lewisville, TX
>  ____________________________________________
>               Always Remember This:
>     Happiness Is Right, So Choose Happiness
>  ____________________________________________
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 19:00:56 EST
>From:    Janet313 <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: re-post: clinical depression [cd] part 1
>hi all:
>this is the first of a series of re-posts on cd
>per marling's request and in re the recent discussions
>'clinical depression' does NOT equal 'depression' or 'sadness'
>clinical depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain
>with specific symptoms
>with potentially several causes
>and is the most easily treatable
>neurological condition
>in our world today
>it has been estimated that anywhere between 40 and 60 percent
>of all people with parkinson's disease have clinical depression as well
>Date: 22 January 1997
>From: janet paterson
>Subject: news on clinical depression
>hi all once again
>here is another news article on clinical depression.
>i don't think we can get too much information
>on it [clinical depression =3D cd ?]
>it's something i've been wrestling with for a number of years
>[currently assisted by prozac]
>probably or even certainly linked to my pd
>but also probably linked to my family background
>where i believe my mother suffered with cd
>but at the time [mid 1950's] was undiagnosed and untreated
>if her cd had been treated
>the last 9 years of her life
>[she died in 1964]
>would have been transformed and
>wouldn't have been her last
>i believe that many people still confuse
>'sadness' and 'depressed feelings'
>with clinical depression
>and, as a result,
>cd doesn't get the respect that it deserves
>i sent the following comments today
>to a friend in re another subject,
>but i think they apply here too:
>>and men
>>in general
>>still are not supposed to display any 'weakness'
>>and society
>>in general
>>still regards emotional issues as secondary to rational ones
>in addition, i have read studies that indicate that
>as many as 40 to 50% of all parkies have cd as well.
>i love the pd battle cry of "invisible no more!"
>if i have pd *and* cd
>do i get to yell it twice?
>Aid for the depressed seen lagging
>(Jan 22, 1997 01:18 a.m. EST) - There is a perception in some circles that
>everyone either is taking an anti-depressant or knows someone who is takin=
>Prozac and Zoloft are household words and the sales of these drugs have
>the point where the global market for all anti-depressants is estimated at=
>billion a year.
>But at the same time a panel of experts recently concluded that depression=

>still being underdiagnosed and undertreated.
>For most people with clinical depression, the disorder is either undiagnos=
>misdiagnosed, the panel reports in the current issue of The Journal of the
>American Medical Association.
>Of those who have been depressed for 20 or more years, about half have nev=
>an anti-depressant, the report says, and fewer than one-third of those who
>medicine get an adequate dose for a long enough time.
>What is most surprising about the findings is that they come from studies
>after Prozac, the first of a new generation of anti-depressants, came into
>widespread use.
>These drugs, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, increase the brain'=
>of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that influences mood.
>Not only are they safer than their predecessors, they have achieved a cert=
>celebrity status, factors that doctors say have made them more acceptable =
>patients and doctors.
>"I would have believed that the vast majority of people with chronic
>would have been treated and treated better," said Dr. Martin B. Keller, a
>member and chairman of the department of psychiatry and human behavior at
>University School of Medicine. "I was almost horrified."
>While some psychiatrists who were not on the panel found the report overly
>pessimistic, they agreed with its overall conclusions.
>"There's no question that depression is still underdiagnosed," said Dr. T.
>Karasu, chairman of the department of psychiatry at Albert Einstein
>College of
>Medicine in New York City.
>The National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association, a professional
>Chicago, convened the panel last year to examine the gap between the
>treatment of depression and to find out why it exists.
>Panelists for the conference included psychiatrists, family doctors, patie=
>representatives of insurance companies.
>Their lodging and expenses were paid for by Bristol-Myers Squibb, the
>of Serzone, an antidepressant.
>The panel estimated that 24 percent of women and 15 percent of men would
>from clinical depression at some point in their lives.
>The annual cost of the illness was placed at $43 billion in medical expens=
>absenteeism and lost productivity at work and premature
>One of the biggest obstacles to diagnosis and treatment is people's attitu=
>toward their symptoms, the panel said.
>Some people mistakenly assume that being sad most of the time is an aspect=
>their personality or a normal response to a troubling situation.
>Others realize that they suffer from depression but do not seek help out o=
>of being stigmatized at work or at home, according to the report.
>The panel reports that when patients are treated, many do not complete the=
>Market research has found that half of all patients stop taking their
>within 30 days because they are troubled by the side effects, which includ=
>nausea, insomnia and sexual dysfunction.
>But medical evidence indicates that depression requires long-term
>treatment to
>prevent relapse, Keller says.
>Another problem is that primary-care doctors often fail to recognize signs=
>depression in their patients, despite several recent education campaigns b=
>National Institute of Mental Health and other groups.
>The panel found that many doctors spent too little time with their
>patients to
>make a diagnosis, or that they dismissed the signs of depression as
>When doctors do prescribe anti-depressants, they often give too low a dose=

>short a period in an effort to minimize side effects, the panelists said.
>Finally, the report concluded that limited mental-health insurance coverag=
>was a
>major barrier to adequate treatment.
>Ninety-three percent of people with health insurance have mental-health
>said Eron Shosteck, a spokesman for the Health Insurance Association of
>But Keller said few plans approved psychotherapy for depression anymore
>because it
>was too expensive, leaving anti-depressants as the only treatment option.
>But he and his colleagues also found that some managed care plans discoura=
>doctors from prescribing the newer anti-depressants because they are more
>expensive than the older ones.
>"This is penny-wise and pound-foolish," said Dr. Robert M.A. Hirschfeld, h=
>the panel and chairman of the department of psychiatry and behavioral
>the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.
>"Compliance with the newer agents is much higher because their side effect=
>profile is more acceptable. If people don't comply with their medicine, th=
>is a
>greater risk of relapse and suicide."
>The report did note some improvements. It said only about 10 percent of
>with depression received adequate treatment in a 1980 study, but 27 percen=
>did in
>a 1995 study.
>Some psychiatrists said the studies reviewed by the panelists were too old=
>reveal the full impact of the new anti-depressants.
>In the last 11 months of 1996, the market for all the selective serotonin =
>uptake inhibitors grew 20 percent, said Sharyn Arnold, a spokeswoman for
>SmithKline Beecham, the manufacturer of Paxil, the newest of these drugs.
>Sven Borho, an analyst with Mehta &=A0Isaly, a pharmaceutical-securities
>firm in New York, estimated 1995 sales of all antidepressants worldwide to=
>billion, with about 60 percent of those sales for the selective serotonin =
>uptake inhibitors.
>Sales figures from the manufacturers of the three main such drugs, Prozac,
>and Paxil, put the 1995 worldwide sales of those drugs at almost $3.9
>The numbers mean that more people are being treated for depression, said D=
>Tollefson, vice president of the Lilly Research Laboratory in
>Indianapolis, an
>of Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of Prozac.
>"Our data show that many patients who are prescribed these agents are bein=
>treated, not just transferring from other treatments," he said.
>Hirschfeld pointed out that these people are a privileged few because they
>recognize their problem and have the means to treat it.
>He said that to reach most other people with depression would require effo=
>reduce the stigma, educate doctors about diagnosis and treatment and expan=
>insurance coverage.
>In other words, it will take a sea change greater than any drugs, however
>can bring about.
>Copyright 1997
>Copyright 1997 N.Y. Times News Service
>janet paterson
>51-10 / sinemet-selegiline-prozac
>almonte-ontario-canada / [log in to unmask]
>Date:    Sun, 22 Mar 1998 19:01:09 EST
>From:    Janet313 <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: re-post: clinical depression [cd] part 2
>Date: 30 October 1997
>From: =A0janet paterson
>Subject: re-post: CD: perceptions
>original posted on 14 July 1997
>dear syber-siblings
>for those who don't know me very well
>i use the term 'siblings' consciously and deliberately
>this group has great importance to me as an extended family
>i live on an island with a population of 55,000
>[until december 1997]
>and have never met another parkie
>[until january 1998]
>let alone a support group
>so 'you lot' are it
>since october 1995
>when i was privileged to join this ethereal family
>i have:
>posted daily at times
>posted infrequently at times
>lurked for months at a stretch
>all depending on my own circumstances and my own energy levels
>i deal with parkinson's disease [pd]
>as well as with clinical depression [cd]
>and at times, i think cd is the harder battle
>when my thinking
>is bright and clear
>my sense of self is strong
>my sense of humour is at its gooffiest
>my inherent natural joy in life is in top form
>and my tolerance for the actions of others is at its most generous
>when i am caught
>in the Grey Cloud [GC]
>of Clinical Depression [CD]
>or other Similarly Laden Internalized Modes of Expression [SLIME!]
>my thinking becomes
>consistently negative
>my sense of self is muddied
>the joy in life doesn't exist
>[and never did, and never will return]
>there is little in this wide world and dark to laugh at
>and there are very few people out there
>[a] who are worth my attention and
>[b] who would ever feel i was worthy of their attention.
>this kind of murky thinking grows slowly and insidiously
>and feeds on itself in a slippery downward spiral
>i know it intimately
>the hardest work i've done in the past few years
>is learn to recognise it
>for what it is
>once i realize what's going on
>a little crack appears in the overhead gloom
>and then it's 'just' a matter of consciously working
>at reversing the downhill slide by whatever means necessary
>for me
>the epiphany
>in this struggle was
>suddenly learning that i had a choice in my emotional reactions
>that these dank cobwebby veils of negative emotion
>were hanging all around me
>because i allowed them to
>that is not to say
>that i'm 'guilty' of causing my own murk
>i comprehend that i have a conscious choice
>and in using that choice
>there is strength
>our society's brain-washing-staining includes a chronic tendency
>to look at things through a lens of confrontation
>life and its challenges are tackled
>from the narrow perspective of
>either / or
>all or nothing
>my way or the highway
>if something's wrong, someone must be blamed
>and on and on
>from a wide angle perspective
>i believe this approach results
>in global confrontations like bosnia, belfast, et al
>from a close-up perspective
>i believe this approach results
>in personal problems like family estrangement
>i know that intimately too.
>i have an inherent distaste for any kind of censorship
>and would resist any attempt to restrict
>my own voice
>where am i going with all this?
>choice - i can choose how i feel and react to circumstances and individual=
>confront - all of society [including me] are conditioned to confrontation
>voice - i demand the right to my own voice
>if my re-actions are coloured by my negative choice
>then i'm doomed to confrontation and censorship as coping techniques
>if my re-actions are coloured by my positive choice
>then the conditioning comes under question and voices are heard
>i had a hard time
>wrapping my brain around the idea
>that i have a choice in how i react to things
>including how i react emotionally
>this helped:
>As novices we think we're entirely responsible for
>the way people treat us
>I have long since learned that we are responsible only for
>the way we treat people
>=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0Rose Lane
>i think this concept has been wonderfully demonstrated
>by the incredible people on this list
>in the range of re-actions posted
>in regard to jeanne's message 'get a clue'
>jeanne was obviously 'spilling' a lot of anger and frustration
>as a 'receiver' i could have reacted with
>and interpreted her words as out of line and insulting
>or fear
>and interpreted her words as a personal attack
>or acceptance
>and interpreted her words as her opinion, nothing more, nothing less
>or empathy
>and interpreted her words as her expression of frustration
>but it is my choice now
>i'm not at the mercy of the tempest
>no one or thing can 'make' me feel anything
>my emotions are my own
>i can choose to see the cup as half empty
>and worry about what i don't have
>i can choose to see the cup as half full
>and enjoy what i have
>it's still the same cup
>but my outlook is not
>i can see jeanne's or ken's or whoever's messages
>as annoying or as communication
>they are still the same messages but my outlook is not
>i can see the volume of messages on the list
>as an overwhelming burden or as generous sharing
>the volume is still the same but my outlook is not
>janet paterson
>51-10 / sinemet-selegiline-prozac
>almonte-ontario-canada / [log in to unmask]
>End of PARKINSN Digest - 22 Mar 1998 - Special issue


Whatever happened to Bernard Shir-Cliff?