


It is definitely a problem most of us face.  I found myself a little
self-conscious at our support group meeting yesterday.  It was only my
second meeting and although there were only 6 others there, I made eye
contact only briefly at times.  I noticed a few others doing the same.  I
tried to make sure I talked with them at the end of the meeting.  It seemed
to help.  This is one problem that each individual will probably handle in
their own way.

What instrument do you play?  I hope you still enjoy playing music.  Thanks
for the encouragement.  Today is a very big day at work.  I am caught in the
middle of a power struggle between the owners of our company.

Greg Leeman 37/7
-----Original Message-----
From: JFaus <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, March 23, 1998 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: Musician/Teacher/Counselor with tremor

>(Sorry about the missfire, I'll take it from the top)
>Greg: Just wanted to give you "two thumbs up" on your response to  Randall
>the "to  hide or not to hide" issue concerning PD symptoms. Even as an
>"veteran" PWP, I haven't really resolved the conflict, but I think you've
>nudged  me in the direction of not wasting the energy  trying to hide the
>symptoms at work.  And while some people may not be comfortable with the
>revelation, those same people would probably be the ones with the biggest
>problem looking past the tremor, bradykinesia, etc. and independently judge
>the "content" rather than the "package".  Thanks  for sharing your