

Dear Camilla,
I echo your sentiments exactly.  Most of the people with Parkinson's that
are on the list are in fact silent members whom read to know there are
others that share their misery, frustrations, humor, complaints, statistics,
opinions, experiences, and solutions that may be relative to themselves for
that particular day.  We all ride the emotional roller coaster as we exist
waiting for news regarding a cure or some drug that may in fact improve our
existence just enough to be negligible.

To react to someone's post with sarcasm in a lighthearted way is ok.
However, the last emotion we need on the list is vindictiveness.  I have
come to know Ivan as a friend and an empathetic brother.  I have seen the
courage of a lion and the meekness of a lamb.  Parkinson's Disease is
hideous in that it destroys our ability to have any sense of normality.  It
truly robs of us any continuity in our life except that it will be there
waiting for us whenever we drag our butts out of bed.  The depressive
effects of our Parkinson's chemical nightmare are still with us during the
daytime and sometimes there are thoughts of suicide.  I have had some
fleeting thoughts enter my mind for the briefest period.  I am always able
to force a smile inside even if the Mask is still perpetauting my
sullenness.  I don't know how many Parkies commit suicide.  It is irrelevant
to me.  It may be relevant in Ivan's mind.  If it is in fact taking up space
in an already stressful daily routine, I wonder if it wouldn't be so bad as
to react with a little encouragement or not react at all.

I too have been silent a great deal lately.  My reasons are different from
Ivan's.  But, for someone to  say that they have enjoyed that someone with
Parkinson's is not participating is counter to the foundation of the idea of
having a list.  I don't know most of you personally, but I do share a common
tragedy that makes me feel closer to you than a lot of people I have been
acquainted with for a much longer time.  It is a spirit that bonds fellow
PDers, lets not destroy one of the pleasures we still  have.  Self-esteem is
a fragile but essential part of every human.  Please keep that in mind
whenever you disagree with a statistic or even a philosophy.  It is a
diverse world we live in.  I am not naive enough to think there will not be
contentious moments even on this wonderful tool of collaboration.  However,
please try to have a little empathy when you disagree.

Greg Leeman 37/7

-----Original Message-----
From: Camilla H.Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, March 21, 1998 9:27 AM
Subject: George's and Ivan's posts

>I am troubled by the recent posts from 2 listmembers , both of whom I value
>personally, and both of whom have been important contributors to the PD
>community--virtual and otherwise.
>I am especially troubled by the "flaming post" George sent to Ivan, as I
>understood that this list was one where "flames" were "off limits", and the
>rudeness of a personal attack on anyone was not appropriate.  Ivan's
>response was conciliatory, and I would hope that it eased George's anger
>somewhat.  What we do NOT need here is a protracted "battle of the
>Parkies"-- we are all in this fight together--and the opponent is PD, not
>any individual!
>May I suggest that in future, if members have "a bone to pick" with each
>other, they do us the courtesy of sending those mnessages OFFlist, to the
>person directly, rather than upsetting  1600+ persons who have enough to
>worry about already??
>       Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 79/8+ <[log in to unmask]>
>              * *****    *****    *****    *****    *****  *
>              *                                            *
>              * Knowing when to insist, and when to let be,*
>              * is,perhaps, a lifetime learning experience *
>              *                 --Mary McCurry             *
>              *                                            *
>              * *****    *****    *****    *****    *****  *