

David Langridge wrote:
> I have seen many postings such as this;
> " Note  It is particularly important that the potentially fatal
interaction between Selegiline [DEPRENYL/ELDEPRYL] and Pethidine
is noted."
I don't want to frighten anyone, but ...

                       Problem Drugs in PD

                     Contributed by Alan Bonander

Surgery Problems
There has been much concern about drugs that might cause problems in
hospitals. There are plenty and the anesthesiologists are not aware
of any problems specific to PD patients. The patient will need to do
the following:

   1.Talk to the anesthesiologist before surgery giving them a copy of
this drug list.
   2.Upon registration for services at a hospital, give them a copy of
this list.
   3.Make sure your neurologist has a copy of this drug list and is
involved in your reason for surgery.

In one support group I know of, a women who had taken her husband
to the hospital for what was to be over-night surgery. Her husband
walked in, had the surgery and died on or about the fifth day in
the hospital. The wife did not inform the powers to be that her
husband was taking Eldepryl much less that he had PD.

In my support group, I know of three who have had minor surgery
about three years ago. What was to be an over-nighter ended being
a six to ten day hell. They were in and out of comas, transported
to psy ward, and almost killed due to drug conflicts during surgery.


     Published by Young Parkinson's Support Network of California

                       Revision: 04/95 YPSN of CA

This list has been reviewed by our medical advisor. Always notify
your physician of any adverse effects of drug therapy.

         Warning to Users of ELDEPRYL Contemplating Surgery

Sandoz Pharmaceuticals has issued a warning of reports of fatal
interactions between Eldepryl (Selegiline Hydrochloride) and
merperidine known as Demerol, and other trade names. Patients
contemplating surgery are advised to bring this notice to the
attention of their physician. Further information can be obtained
from pharmacies - ask for prescribing information - or contact
Sandoz Pharmaceuticals at 1-800-631-8184.

<snip> there is a list of contraindicated drugs which I will post
if requested.

Judith Richards
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