

David Langridge wrote:>
> I have  seen many postings such as this;
> " Note    It is particularly important that the potentially fatal interaction
> between Selegiline [DEPRENYL/ELDEPRYL] and Pethidine is noted."
> but cannot find any actual medical authority. I might be having a back
> operation shortly which could involve me being given Pethidine ( Demerol)
> for pain relief. My nuerologist said there,s no interaction problem  to
> worry about. If  there is some interaction I would like to give him some
> factual evidence from pubished research etc and not just hearsay. Any  info
> would be most welcome.
> David Langridge

As a non-professional, I'm hesitant to say this, but if your neuro
really doesn't know about the dangerous Demerol-Deprenyl interaction,
maybe you should find another neurologist.

The Physician's Desk Reference is the *official* compendium of all
the approved prescription drugs in the U.S., because it contains
virtually complete the "package insert" information that is
required by the FDA. I can't imagine an MD who is not familiar
with the PDR, in fact practically all own the latest annual

The article on Demerol (U.S. brand name) says in part:
"Meperidine is contraindicated in patients who are receiving
monoamine oxidase inhibitors [e.g., selegiline or Deprenyl]
... Therapeutic doses of meperidine have occasionally
precipitated unpredictable, severe, and occasionally fatal
reactions [in such patients]..."

J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013