

Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 00:15:53 -0400
From: Sheldon/Linda McNeil <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: My brother-in-law
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Dear List Members
 Thank you very much for your responses about my brother-in-law Wayne
who we are suspecting may have Parkinson's. He went to see his GP today
and he still says Wayne would be the youngest person he ever saw with it
and does not believe that is what he has .Wayne has insisted that he be
sent back to the neurologist in Halifax for a trial of sinemet.

There are no Movement Disorder specialist in NS or NB or PEI and I asked
the local Parkinson's Chapter in Halifax if there was a neurologist who
dealt  more with this than others in Halifax and they said they cannot
make a recommendation.

 We hope we are wrong but just want to rule out another reason for his
 increasing neuromuscular degeneration. His GP was willing to put him on
 a trial of the sinemet but Wayne felt he would rather be under the care
 of the neurologist to have it done .
 Wayne is 50 years old by the way and we have checked all his meds for
 side effects .They are all cardiac related and none have any side
 affects listed to cause his problem.
 Thanks again to all who wrote .You are a fantastic group of people.I
 will let you know what happens .
 Love and God Bless
 Linda McNeil