

A bit senicle perhaps, but right on!!1

George Lussier wrote:

> now that you are back with your emotions unwrapped could you please give me
> some documentation about just how  "many young PWP's commit SUICIDE?". I've
> no doubt that some do but I very much doubt that the count is up there
> with, say, in-the-closet-struggling-to come-out gay adolescent. I would
> find it outrageous if you just shooting from the hip with such a statement.
>          As a matter of fact I would suggest that the rate of suicide is
> much lower for people with chronic illnesses then it is for the population
> at large.
> Perhaps between considering what you will wear for your next tv appearence
> and giving us a final count on your tape sales you can give my question
> some thought.
>           And while offending one of this list icons I may as well offend
> another, Barbara M. <GRIN> of the "2 Parkies & Dr. Iacono on TV" show<two
> grins and a giggle> Barb <swollow> do ya think ya can can this bid for
> Hollywood fame<another nervous swollow> and get back to work. "EXTRA"
> isn't worth your time. It will not do a positive thing for you or PD. <shut
> up george, you gone too far, no one will ever write to you again>< grimace>
>          Another thing, if those of you who persist in posting your every
> tiny thought on RE:2 Parkies & Dr. Iacono on TV" or its updated version" TV
> Debut Delayed a Bit" would work as hard at convincing your Washington
> people to do their job then just may be we will get the $$$ into our blood
> stream.
> Respectfully submitted <smile>
>        george Lussier
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