

John Lees wrote:
> As far as being visible we mite try bumper stickers.
> How about getting local talk radio shows to air discussions about the Udall
> Bill and mention PD recognition day.
>         In Utah one of the local support groups is trying to get the Gov.
> to proclaim April- 19  as PD recognition day . I am trying to help by
> getting information. The first information I have discovered is that no one
> in Utah has a clue as to how many people in Utah have PD.
>         I have not given up yet. If some body out there has a clue as to
> where the information is available I could use the help

The reason nobody has a clue about the number of PD cases in Utah
(or anywhere else in the U.S.) is because NO SURVEY HAS EVER BEEN
DONE! The reason no survey has been done is that it requires some
support by a government agency, too much for a private institution
to handle. And every time some state tries to have such a survey,
it is shot down, by doctors who begrudge the time to fill out
forms, by hitchhikers on the civil rights bandwagon whining
about invasion of privacy, or by stupid politicians. And nobody
will REALLY know about environmental or hereditary factors in
PD until a thorough survey reveals just who has the disease.
So there.--
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013