

Dear Group,
I am corresponding with Lou, a PWP who has  a "lack of motility" problem and=
receives his food through a tube, "something like an IV", to which he is=20
connected the better part of a day.   His other symptoms are: " general
and leg and arm numbness.  Nightime , I have leg aches and numbness."

He is 80 years old, diagnosed 8 years  ago, and still goes to his office,=
least once a week".  Prior to his  receiving his food through the tube, he=
lost a significan amount of weight. He has now regained weight, and is even
eating some food via mouth, to keep his interest and taste alive. His other
disturbing symptom is a loss of his voice, speaking with raspiness and lack=
projection. This is very upsetting, because he is a ham radio operator!!!

He takes  "6 sinemet a day.=A0 9am, 1/2 25/100+a whole 50/200. Noon a whole
25/100,at 3pm a whole 25/100 and 7pm a whole 25/100+1/2 50/200. Also I take
two eldepryl,1 at9am and 1 at 3pm this is 5 mg.  I have taken no other
parkinson drugs but do take heart and constipation drugs."

He would very much like to correspond with people who have similar
dysphagia and
esophageal dysmotility problems.  This is my terminology -- I did a search=
our archives and thanks to siber-sys Janet and  Medline, I copied some
information for Louis to take to his movement specialist doc on his next
I am asking all you ham operators out there in 'parky land' to contact
<[log in to unmask]> and share experiences. =20

Bruce Anderson gave me information about a Siverman Speech therapy program
possibly starting  at JFK Hospital in Edison, NJ -- does anyone know about
one or other programs in NJ?

I thank you for taking time and writing to Lou. I have sent him
instructions on

subscribing to the LIST, I hope he joins us.

YEAY for Ali & Doc Lieberman "telling it like it is"!!! to Bilirakis et=
we need
to write to the members of the subcommittee and let them hear our "ROAR".
Also, it would be helpful to send copies of the testimony to the 29 members
the Senate and House Labor/HHS  subcmte. Call Bill Turenne, 1-888-331-4673=
Mike Claeys, 1-800-850-4726 to get names.  Don't forget you can use the toll
line to call your legislator in DC:  1-800-361-5222.



[log in to unmask]
DOB: 1941/Dx: 1980/Cured:ASAP
Slogans wont do it/Hard work will