

Dear Ervin;

You wrote:

> To all list members,
> I am curious to know if there are any members who have chosen to do without
> drugs in early onset of PD.  If there are it would be interesting to know
> the results.  I see so much controversy on the list about the various
> drugs.  Is it possible that anyone has been successful by not starting the
> drugs in the early stages.  It may sound like a silly question but I would
> like to see some discussion of the matter.  Thank you.
> Ervin

I was diagnosed with early onset pd at age 50 in 1994.  I was given a
prescription for selegeline (eldepryl) but declined to start a
lifetime of drugs on one neuro's say-so without any personal
knowledge of what this drug was or indeed what pd was.  Reading up on
PD at the library I discovered that we have a very good Movement
Disorder Clinic right here at the University and that we have Neuro's
whose specialty is Parkinson's.  I demanded and got a referral (from
my GP) and changed neuros.  This second Dr. was excellent.  He
answered all my questions and parried with his own until I understood
a little about PD and the limited benefits and potential side effects
of the available medications and he was aware of my background *
leading up to diagnosis.

We decided I could cope a little longer if I wished and that drugs
could be a future option.  Two years later (July '96) I was starting
to run out of gas and needed more energy to continue working.  We
discussed the available meds & side effects and I started on Sinemet
CR.   In Feb. '97 I asked to join the study on Tolcapone (Tasmar) and
have been on Tasmar & Sinemet CR since.

*My background prior to diagnosis.............................
(I had lots of symptoms for many years and had coped without drugs
successfully for at least ten years prior to diagnosis.  I had had at
one point or another, numbness and tingling sensations, dizziness,
blurred vision, tremor, extreme fatigue, slurred speech, co-ordination
problems including several unexplained falls.  These symptoms varied
in severity, appeared intermittently in various combinations and in
1986 I was thought to have early onset MS.  I declined drugs then and
eventually MS was ruled out. I coped by taking Vitamins C & E and by
doing physical therapy) .

I am confident in my drs., confident in the diagnosis of PD, and feel
my current meds are working very well for me.  I still work full time
as an elevator/escalator mechanic with few problems.

From this experience I think drugs should always be optional unless
you really need them.  If there's any question about diagnosis
shouldn't there be a little reluctance to start a lifetime of drugs?

Read today's post on "Healthful Reminders" and add a solid positive

Best regards ................... Murray 53/4

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