

From:  janet paterson
Date: 21 October 1997
Subject: perceptions of parkinsimian's

hi sybersyblyings

i initially found it difficult to wrap my brain
[quelle surprize!]
around the idea that i had control
over my emotional reactions to people/events

we all yearn and stuggle for 'control'
but somehow want to deny this one
and only area
where it truly is possible

this silliness about porkinson's and parkinsimian's
has made me think of an analogy

when we are at the zoo observing the 'behaviours'
of the co-tenants of this planet

we do not react emotionally and negatively to, say,
observing a squabble among the monkeys

we don't feel guilt and fear
that we may have somehow 'caused' the squabble

we don't feel anger and frustration
that one of the participants is being 'picked on'

we don't feel self-righteous and smug
that one of the participants is getting what she 'deserves'

we don't feel thrilled and satisfied
that an issue is 'finally' being debated

we don't feel weary and impatient
that they are having 'yet another squabble'

we simply observe
with whatever interest we 'choose' to apply

as novices we think we're entirely responsible for
the way people treat us
i have long since learned that we are responsible only for
the way we treat people

        rose lane

yours in parkynsymyan's



janet paterson
51-10 / sinemet-selegiline-prozac
almonte-ontario-canada / [log in to unmask]