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The attached extract from a BBC Horizon progam broadcast on Thursday 19th
March contains news of the use of a family of chemicals nicknamed "hedgehog"
to control the convertion of new cells into cells of a particular type eg
dopamine producing cells.  The complete script is available on the internet
via the BBC web page.

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               NARRATOR Its activity in the embryonic central nervous
               system has led Ontogeny to explore its effect in Parkinson's
               disease. This sad degeneration of muscle control is due to
               the death of brain cells producing a crucial chemical
               messenger, Dopamine. So the question was, might Hedgehog
               regenerate these brain cells?

               NAGESH MAMANTHAPPA Now in Parkinson's disease the cells that
               die off in the brain are cells that produce dopameine, and
               what you've just seen is a piece of early embryonic brain
               tissue that would never would normally every produce
               dopameine, but what we have managed to do here is by
               culturing that piece of tissue with beads soaked in sonic
               Hedgehog, we programmed these cells so that they actually
               become dopameine producing cells, so here's an example of
               that kind of experiment, but 4 days after the piece of
               tissue has been treated with the beads and in this picture
               you basically just see the embryonic tissue and 4 distinct
               beads, these are the beads coated with sonic Hedgehog. Now,
               if we stain this piece of tissue in a way that allows us to
               see the cells that are now becoming dopanamurgic neurones,
               that is neurones that make dopameine, you can see very
               intense staining in the vicinity of these beads. Now,
               interestingly, you look in other parts of this piece of
               tissue which aren't near the beads and you don't see the
               dopameine staining, so we've taken this piece of tissue that
               normally never becomes this type of cell, ah, and we can
               induce these cells, the very cells that die off in
               Parkinson's disease.

               NARRATOR One biotech company amongst thousands working on
               just one of the control gene's messengers, and the
               possibilities are already impressive. Investors are
               attracted by Hedgehog's activity in the genitals and skin,
               and by the hope of treatment for infertility, baldness and
               cancer. Already there is serious talk here of a simple,
               Hedgehog based cream against skin cancer being in clinical
               use within 5 years. What started as a scientific proof that
               Ed Lewis's Hox genes existed is, according to Sean Carroll,
               another pioneer in the field, creating a new approach to

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Nigel Cockle
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