

Many things have happened in my life which I attribute to God's grace.
A grade school teacher who let a child in braces walk out in front of the
on the way to recess and know what it felt like to run.
Being born to  parents who, though at times were cruel, did what was needed
to give child growing up in a wheelchair  a desire for independence.
A  grade school teacher who restored to an abused child the ability to cope
with math.
A friend named Pat who stayed a friend even though a wheelchair made me
A doctor who bucked the system and asked, where is the muscle biopsy?
A lion who sent me to summer camp and allowed me to know what normal was
A father who moved to a place that allowed a handicapped teenager to go to
public school.
A industrial arts instructor who had the courage to say "you're not good
enough, find another line of work".
A  high school student who tried, failed, but who ran for help and came
back. You were forgiven then, and still are.
An English instructor who showed me that nothing is impossible, and still
another one who
who proved it by teaching me to write.
A biology instructor who showed me that science and God are not in
A high school that took a frightened teenager and helped him on the way to
being a civilized adult.
The building of a junior college where and when it was needed.
An inner voice that yelled "neither spiders, snakes, or distance will keep
you from class".
All those people who silently contributed to the college education of an
unworthy and very ignorant young person.
A college president who suggested a  university and backed it up with a job
Whoever closed the Library Science department and so let me discover
A service fraternity that treated me like everyone else, and a university
that did the same.
Kristen Annette Sielbeck, now Kristen Giles.
Kristen's parents, who gave me a chance.
A major corporation that has bent over backwards to keep me employed and
consulted me before  building a new building.
Bosses  who kept expecting the impossible and were not surprised when it
Gina. Who said, "there  is something wrong. Go see a doctor".
But there is one thing I know that God did not do.
God did not give me PD!

Marvin Giles