

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: MURRAY _CHARTERS <[log in to unmask]>
Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN =
<[log in to unmask]>
Dato: 22. marts 1998 07:33
Emne: This List

Marling reminds me to laugh and often and where would WE be without
the inspiration of Don Mckinley?

I'm going on vacation in May and through this list I've been invited
to a support group meeting in L.A. and I thank Barb Mallut for that.

In short I love this list and through it I have been introduced to
some of the most wonderful people on earth.

Don't change this list.

All my very best to all the list members.........Murray 53/4
Dear Murray,
Yes indeed Murray  it is wonderful people, and YOU are one  them.
Please give Barb a big hug from me, I have the pleasure to visit her in =
the month of sept. and I`m too looking forward to meet Barb.

Warm greetings


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